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Breaking Out of the Expected: The Benefits of Creativity in a Technology-Mediated World

As someone who works with a lot of students, I believe creativity can be learned in a very real sense by anyone who has the hunger and dedication to do so. Creativity means solving the problem you didn't think you could, or finding a better way to solve it when everything else seems like it's gone south.

In my opinion, creativity is what fundamentally drives human progress.

We're creatures of habit

Every second of our day is spent in some kind of pattern that gets repeated over time - it's human nature to do the same thing and get comfortable with what you've got. However, creativity involves breaking these patterns by looking at whatever you're doing in a different and unique way.

The rise of the machines

The need for creative thinking in programming is becoming more and more important. As we move towards a world where computers are not just tools, but also partners, we need to develop a new mode of thinking that allows us to solve problems in novel ways. The ability to generate novel ideas and think creatively is one of the most important skills a programmer can have. It allows us to find solutions where others see only problems. And by embracing creativity, not being afraid of failing and bringing more humanity into the world of technology we become better programmers.

Why we need to be creative

There has been a lot of talk in the past years about being creative and how to work in an environment which is accustomed to structured or established processes. Some people want you to believe that it's not possible to do both because creativity and structure are polar opposites. They aren't.

Creativity and structure are not opposites. In fact, they go hand in hand.

Creativity without structure leads to chaos, which we all know can be very bad for business. On the other hand, structure without creativity leads to monotony. The key is understanding how they work together: creativity drives innovation; structure keeps things running smoothly at an operational level; and together they enable you to achieve your goals faster than ever before!

It's important to remember that creativity isn't just confined to designers and artists. As technology advances, more and more of our daily lives are mediated through digital devices and software systems. And as these systems become increasingly complex, we need to embrace the benefits of creativity and experimentation in order to drive innovations that will allow us to adapt to the changing environment.

If we want to continue to thrive in a technology-driven world, it's important that we think beyond the tools and systems that we currently use and take a whole new approach to problem-solving.

The benefits of creativity

When you encourage creative thinking, you allow people to connect, share experiences and work together to find solutions. This helps build strong relationships between members of your team who may not have worked together before or even known each other's names before this project started! It also helps foster an environment where everyone feels like their input matters because everyone's ideas are valued equally regardless of whether or not they're an expert in any particular field - which is why we believe that encouraging creative thinking should be a natural part of not only our work environments but also in our schools and educations.

I'm not saying its easy but this is what I truly believe in and I do see the benefits of creative thinking, structure, and encouraging a safe and sound environment to grow in when I work with my students on a daily basis.

Breaking Out of the Expected

This fall I've had not only one intern, but four of my students has done their internship at Klarr. In January there will be six interns at Klarr. Oh, and if you don't know this already - I'm a self employed business owner. So why is it, that I, by myself, can manage multiple interns at a time when every other company seems to be saying no to each and every student that applies?

T 100% honest - there was a point where I thought that having this many interns at the same time was maybe a very very stupid idea. Turns out I was wrong. It has been an amazing experience and there is still more to come.

To be 100% honest - there was a point where I thought that having this many interns at the same time was maybe a very very stupid idea. Turns out I was wrong. It has been an amazing experience and there is still more to come.

And remember that creativity is messy. Creativity entails failing and falling on your face. Creativity means going beyond what's comfortable, what's easy, what's expected. And that takes courage. I don't know about you, but I think it's worth it.


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